7 Tips For a Fresher Fridge
Keep food fresh longer with these 7 easy tips for your refrigerator's contents
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1. Beware the door
Door storage is convenient and space-saving, but remember that items stored here will constantly be exposed to warmer temperatures every time you open for a snack. Milk, butter, and other heat-sensitive products should always be kept in the interior to avoid temperature fluctuations. Save the door shelves for condiment bottles and orange juice.
2. Utilize your crispers
Leafy vegetables can dry out quickly when exposed to air. Crispers are designed to keep water vapor inside, so keep the crunch in your celery by storing it where it belongs.
3. Prevent peer pressure
As apples age, they emit ethylene, a ripening molecule that can spoil surrounding food. Keep your apples separate from other produce. After all, it takes just one bad apple to spoil the barrel (or crisper)!

4. Make a date
Keep a roll of masking tape in easy reach of your fridge to mark the date as you store leftovers. To check for freshness, just read the label. It's much faster and more pleasant than opening each container to smell the food you can't remember cooking.
5. Healthy first, front, and center
Don't make your eyes search for the right snack. If you're concerned about your diet, store the low calorie foods in the front of your fridge so you can always grab a quick light bite. Small tubs of yogurt can easily block that leftover cheesecake.
6. Keep it inside
Never store food on top of your refrigerator. The extra warmth will damage almost any product.
7. Access denied
Remember that some products--such as bread, honey, and tomatoes--are better stored at room temperature. Don't waste room (and energy) on products that will taste fine and last longer when kept on a pantry shelf.